The Otter Project v State of California

The inland valleys of California’s central coast are intensively farmed for 9 to 10 months of the year. The Otter Project monitors the Salinas Valley by small plane. One grower threatened to shoot the plane down. The Salinas River is to the left and Monterey Bay in the far distance.

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It’s not the first time Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton has come out against Arctic drilling. But with the news yesterday that the Obama administration has given final approval to Shell to drill this summer in the world’s most pristine waters, she must have felt obligated to mention it again. This time in a tweet.

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Below is another update from World Rivers Day Chair, Mark Angelo, in the lead up to World Rivers Day, slated for September 27th, 2015.

Greetings River Advocates,
World Rivers Day is set for September 27th this year (as always, falling on the last 
Sunday in September) and, while the event is still a few months away, it will be 
here before we know it.  Consequently, we're hoping that river advocates from 
around the globe will start planning events as part of this year's World Rivers Day 

Protección de páramos: apuesta para la sostenibilidad

Cada día, en diferentes regiones colombianas, se hacen públicas nuevas amenazas contra el agua, poniendo en entredicho el futuro no solo de la industria en general, sino de toda la población. Muchas de esas amenazas se originan en el inadecuado manejo que se les da a las principales fuentes, particularmente, a las cuencas altas de los ríos y a despensas naturales como los páramos.


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