Trump’s Cabinet Will Throw Us Into Environmental Catastrophe

Medio Ambiente

Trump’s Cabinet Will Throw Us Into Environmental Catastrophe

14 December, 2016

By: Marc Yaggi

Trumps Environmental Cabinet CatastropheThe facts are clear. President-Elect Trump’s Cabinet nominees represent a targeted and well-thought out assault on America’s environmental protections. The President-Elect is stacking his leadership with not only the fossil fuel industry’s closest allies, but the actual CEO of ExxonMobil. At least two of his nominees have publicly commented on the overreach of the very agencies they have been selected to run, and all of them have, at some point in their careers, undermined efforts to address climate change, put public health at risk, and attempted to weaken United States’ clean air and water regulations. Indeed, the nominations of Rick Perry, Scott Pruitt, Rex Tillerson, and Ryan Zinke mark the transformation of our democracy to corporate oligarchy, and put the entire planet at risk of climate catastrophe.

Here are a few of their worst offenses:

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Recuperan morichales afectados por la ganadería en las sabanas inundables de Casanare

13 de diciembre de 2016

Por: Fundación Natura

BOGOTÁ, DICIEMBRE 12 DE 2016. La finca Acapulco es de propiedad de Elsa Ruiz y su esposo Luis María Abril, y está en la vereda Centro Gaitán, de Paz de Ariporo. Es un terreno ganadero y tradicional de la región, ubicado dentro de una sabana inundable.

Y además, integra un grupo de 11 beneficiarios del paisaje de sabana que se han comprometido a restaurar ciertas zonas de sus tierras.

En Acapulco hay un morichal, un ecosistema típico de sabana inundable y de la Orinoquia, dominado por la palma de moriche (Mauritia flexuosa), especie muy apetecida por aves y mamíferos.

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Washington Voters Step Up, Pass the Nation's First Carbon Tax

Climate -- Nov. 04, 2016 09:35AM EST

By: Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.

A price on carbon would help reduce emissions from large emitters in Washignton. Photo: Scott Butler / Flickr 

Alfred North Whitehead observed that "duty arises from one's capacity to influence events." By this rule, Washington state voters have a profound duty to support Initiative-732, our nation's first carbon tax.

By making Washington the premier American government to place a price on carbon, Evergreen voters will pioneer the trail away from our deadly carbon addiction and its murderous offspring: climate chaos.

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It's Official: Paris Agreement Becomes International Law

United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change

Climate Nov. 04, 2016 08:21AM EST

By Patricia Espinosa and Salaheddine Mezouar


Humanity will look back on Nov. 4, as the day that countries of the world shut the door on inevitable climate disaster and set off with determination towards a sustainable future.

The Paris climate change agreement—the result of the most complex, comprehensive and critical international climate negotiation ever attempted—came into force today.

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